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October 22, 2009

Groovy Intentions in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition has a nice feature called intentions. Intentions offer a way to simplify our code. In our editor we can select an intention with Alt+Enter and IntelliJ IDEA shows a popup with available intensions. Let's take a look at some useful intentions when developing Groovy code.

def s = "Simple test ${obj.ide}"

// Becomes:
def s = "Simple test $obj.ide"
def output = s != null ? s : '' 

// Becomes:
def output = s ?: ''
def list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
for (c in list) {
    println c.toUpperCase()

// Becomes:
def list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
list.each { c ->
    println c.toUpperCase()
def c = list.getAt(0)

// Becomes:
def c = list[0]
def printObj(date, text, list) {
    println """
        Print on $date $text and list has size ${list.size()}

// Becomes:
def printObj(params) {
    println """
        Print on $ $params.text and list has size ${params.list.size()}

// Becomes:
list.contains 'b'
class User { String name }
def u = new User()

// Becomes:
class User { String name }
def u = new User() = 'mrhaki'
def s = 'Simple test with ' + obj.ide

// Becomes:
def s = "Simple test with $obj.ide"