NetBeans provides several code templates for different languages. One of the "languages" is the Maven pom.xml
file. We can see the different templates if we go to Tools | Options | Editor | Code Templates, there we select Apache Maven POM files from the Language select box. NetBeans shows the different templates in the Templates table. The abbreviation column shows what we need to type and the Expand Template on select box shows which key is used to expand the abbreviation to a complete template.

Let's go to a pom.xml
file and in the dependencies
element we type dep
. In the screenshot we see that we typed dep
at line 12.

Next we press the Tab
key. NetBeans expands dep
to a complete dependency
element and the cursor is placed at the groupId
element so we can go right ahead and fill in the correct value.

After we have typed in a value for the groupId
element we can type the Tab
key again and the cursor is placed in the artifactId
element. So NetBeans jumps right to the place we need to fill in values for the code template! This way we can achieve a lot with only a few keystrokes.