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March 27, 2019

Awesome Asciidoctor: Change Striping In Tables

Creating tables with Asciidoctor is easy. When we convert our Asciidoc markup to HTML the rows of the body of the table are striped. The even rows have a slightly darker background color and the odd rows don't have a background color. We can change how the body rows are striped using the table attribute stripes. We can use the values even, odd, all or none. Instead of using the table attribute stripes we can also set the role on the table. The prefix of the role name is stripes- followed by the same values as we can use with the attribute stripes.

In the following example markup we define four table with different striping:

= Tables

.No striping
// Alternative to stripes attributes is
// setting role "stripes-none" as [.stripes-none,cols="1,2"].
| Name | Description

| Asciidoctor
| *Awesome* way to write documentation

| Micronaut
| Low resource usage and fast startup micro services

.All rows
// Alternative to stripes attributes is
// setting role "stripes-all" as [.stripes-all,cols="1,2"].
| Name | Description

| Asciidoctor
| *Awesome* way to write documentation

| Micronaut
| Low resource usage and fast startup micro services

.Odd rows
// Alternative to stripes attributes is
// setting role "stripes-odd" as [.stripes-odd,cols="1,2"].
| Name | Description

| Asciidoctor
| *Awesome* way to write documentation

| Micronaut
| Low resource usage and fast startup micro services

.Even rows (default)
// Alternative to stripes attributes is
// setting role "stripes-even" as [.stripes-even,cols="1,2"].
| Name | Description

| Asciidoctor
| *Awesome* way to write documentation

| Micronaut
| Low resource usage and fast startup micro services

When we convert this markup to HTML we get the following result:

Written with Asciidoctor 2.0.2.