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June 21, 2016

Groovy Goodness: Represent Map As String

Groovy adds to Map objects the toMapString method. With this method we can have a String representation of our Map. We can specify an argument for the maximum width of the generated String. Groovy will make sure at least the key/value pairs are added as a pair, before adding three dots (...) if the maximum size is exceeded.

def course = [
    name: 'Groovy 101',
    teacher: 'mrhaki',
    location: 'The Netherlands']
assert course.toMapString(15) == '[name:Groovy 101, ...]'
assert course.toMapString(25) == '[name:Groovy 101, teacher:mrhaki, ...]'

As mentioned in a previous post we can use the toListString method to represent a List as a String:

def names = ['mrhaki', 'hubert']

assert names.toListString(5) == '[mrhaki, ...]'

Written with Groovy 2.4.7.