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June 25, 2014

Spocklight: Assign Multiple Data Variables from Provider

We can write data driven tests with Spock. We can specify for example a data table or data pipes in a where: block. If we use a data pipe we can specify a data provider that will return the values that are used on each iteration. If our data provider returns multiple results for each row we can assign them immediately to multiple variables. We must use the syntax [var1, var2, var3] << providerImpl to assign values to the data variables var1, var2 and var3. We know from Groovy the multiple assignment syntax with parenthesis ((var1, var2, var3)), but with Spock we use square brackets.

In the following sample specification we have a simple feature method. The where: block shows how we can assign the values from the provider to multiple data variables. Notice we can skip values from the provider by using a _ to ignore the value.

package com.mrhaki.spock

import spock.lang.*

class MultiDataVarSpec extends Specification {

    @Unroll("#value as upper case is #expected")
    def "check upper case value of String"() {
        value.toUpperCase() == expected

        // Multi data variables value and expected,
        // will be filled with elements from a row
        // on each iteration. The first element of each
        // row is ignored.
        // E.g. on first iteration:
        // value = 'abc'
        // and expected = 'ABC'
        [_, value, expected] << [
            [1, 'abc', 'ABC'],
            [2, 'def', 'DEF'], 
            [3, '123', '123']


Code written with Spock 0.7-groovy-2.0 and Groovy 2.3.3.