Unit testing tag libraries in Grails is easy. We can use the applyTemplate()
method to execute a tag and check the output. We pass the HTML string representing the tag to applyTemplate()
as we would use it in a GSP. Attribute values of a tag can be String values, but also any other type. To pass other types in our test as attribute values we must add an extra argument to applyTemplate()
. The argument is a Map
with model values which are used to pass as value to the tag library attributes.
Let's see this in action with an example. First we create a tag library with a tag that will show the value of the title property of a Book
instance. The Book
instance is passed to the tag as attribute value for the attribute book
package com.mrhaki.grails class BookTagLib { static namespace = 'book' def title = { attributes, body -> final Book book = attributes.get('book') final String bookTitle = book.title out << bookTitle } }
We can test this tag with the following Spock specification. Notice we use the applyTemplate()
method and pass an instance of Book
using a Map
as the second argument:
package com.mrhaki.grails import grails.test.mixin.TestFor import spock.lang.Specification @TestFor(BookTagLib) class BookTagLibSpecification extends Specification { def "show book title for given Book instance"() { given: final Book book = new Book(title: 'Gradle Effective Implementation Guide') expect: applyTemplate('<book:title book="${bookInstance}"/>', [bookInstance: book]) == 'Gradle Effective Implementation Guide' } }
Code written with Grails 2.2.2 and Spock 0.7-groovy-2.0.