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November 25, 2011

Grails Goodness: Access Action and Controller Name in GSP

In our GSP views we can see the name of the action and controller that resulted in the view. We can use this for example to show or hide certain information based on the values for the action and controller name. Grails injects the variables actionName and controllerName automatically and sets the values based on the action and controller.

// File: grails-app/controller/com/mrhaki/sample/ViewController.groovy
package com.mrhaki.sample

class ViewController {

    def index = {}
<%-- File: grails-app/views/view/index.gsp --%>
        <title>GSP Sample</title>
        <h1>Action and Controller Name</h1>

            <li>controllerName: <strong>${controllerName}</strong></li>
            <li>actionName: <strong>${actionName}</strong></li>

When we open the GSP we get the following output: