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October 24, 2009

Groovy Goodness: Optional Parenthesis

Groovy can make code more readable with small features like optional parenthesis. If a method contains at least one argument we can leave out the parenthesis. There must also be no ambiquity, before we can leave out the parenthesis, otherwise the results can be unexpected. This also works for methods with named parameters and as a result the code could already look like a more natural language.

class User {
    String name    
    def connections = []
    def speaks(args) {
        connections.find{ ==}.listen(args.saying)
    def meets(user) {
        connections << user
    def listen(text) {
        println "I, $name, am listening to '$text'"

    def greeting() {
        "Hi, I am $name."

def mrhaki = new User(name: 'mrhaki')
def hubert = new User(name: 'hubert')

mrhaki.meets hubert  // No parenthesis needed.

println mrhaki.greeting()  // Need to use parenthesis for greeting, otherwise Groovy thinks greeting is a property.
// Output: Hi, I am mrhaki

mrhaki.speaks to: hubert, saying: 'How are you doing?'  // Named parameters.
// Output: I, hubert, am listening to 'How are you doing?'

// Look out with closures as the last element.
// The method can be invoked in several ways.
def list = [1,2,3,4]
list.sum(100, { it * 2 })  // Traditional, all parenthesis and comma.
list.sum(100) { it * 2 }  // Last argument is closure, so can be outside parenthesis and no comma 
list.sum 100, { it * 2 }  // No parenthesis, but with the comma.