Groovlets are Groovy scripts that are executed by a servlet. With Groovlets a user can request a Groovy script that is executed on the server and the results are displayed in a web browser. We only have to define a servlet in the web.xml
of a Java web application, place the Groovy libraries in the web application's lib
folder and we can execute Groovy scripts.
The Groovy script, or we can call it a Groovlet, has a couple of implicit variables we can use. For example reqeust
, response
to access the HttpServletRequest
and HttpServletResponse
objects. We have access to the session with the session
variable. And if we want to output data we can use out
, sout
and html
Let's create a Groovy script serverinfo.groovy
def method = request.method if (!session) { session = request.getSession(true) } if (!session.groovlet) { session.groovlet = 'Groovlets rock!' } html.html { head { title 'Groovlet info' } body { h1 'General info' ul { li "Method: ${method}" li "RequestURI: ${request.requestURI}" li "session.groovlet: ${session.groovlet}" li "application.version: ${context.version}" } h1 'Headers' ul { headers.each { li "${it.key} = ${it.value}" } } } }
A simple script to start Jetty so we can run our Groovlet:
import org.mortbay.jetty.Server import org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.* import groovy.servlet.* @Grab(group='org.mortbay.jetty', module='jetty-embedded', version='6.1.14') def startJetty() { def jetty = new Server(9090) def context = new Context(jetty, '/', Context.SESSIONS) // Allow sessions. context.resourceBase = '.' // Look in current dir for Groovy scripts. context.addServlet(GroovyServlet, '*.groovy') // All files ending with .groovy will be served. context.setAttribute('version', '1.0') // Set an context attribute. jetty.start() } println "Starting Jetty, press Ctrl+C to stop." startJetty()
When we run the script to start Jetty and visit http://localhost:9090/serverinfo.groovy with our browser we get the following output: